Europeans for Jerusalem warns of Israel’s practices in holy city

Europeans for Jerusalem warns of Israel’s practices in holy city

Europeans for Jerusalem foundation has warned against Israel’s persistence in its serious practices in Occupied Jerusalem in general and at the Aqsa Mosque in particular.
In a statement, Europeans for Jerusalem described the exposure of the holy city in general and the Aqsa Mosque in particular to direct targeting, break-ins, desecration and assaults on worshipers under police protection as “a threat to regional stability.”
The foundation voiced deep concern about acts of desecration and sabotage which Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque are being exposed to, and assaulting and intimidating innocent worshipers inside the Islamic holy site, affirming that such practices are considered a serious violation of the international law.
It appealed to all Arab and Islamic countries to deal responsibly with the dangers threatening Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque and move to protect them against Israel’s Judaization activities.

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