LP4Q condemns Israel's denial of access to the COVID 19 vaccine to put pressure on Palestinians


LP4Q condemns Israel's denial of access to the COVID 19 vaccine to put pressure on Palestinians

The League of Parliamentarians for al-Quds (LP4Q) condemns the Israeli occupation forces' refusal to allow the Palestinian people access to the COVID 19 vaccine.

LP4Q calls on the international community to censure Israel for refusing Palestinians access to the vaccine and to demand that Israel fulfill its obligation as an occupying power to take full responsibility for the health of all people under its control. To insist that the occupying power desists from using access to vaccines as a means of political blackmail.

LP4Q calls on the international institutions to spare no effort to save the Palestinian people and provide assistance to them to overcome this serious health crisis and to put pressure on the occupying power to stop its attacks and violations which exacerbate the crisis.
The League of Parliamentarians for al-Quds (LP4Q) 
25 February 2021

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