Settlers’ incursions into al-Aqsa witness unprecedented escalation

  • News
  • August 02, 2017
Settlers’ incursions into al-Aqsa witness unprecedented escalation

The incursions of Jewish settlers into al-Aqsa Mosque hit record high over the past few days. The highest numbers of settlers who desecrated the holy site in five years were recorded.
According to data published by the Temple of Solomon Organizations, 1,046 Jewish settlers defiled al-Aqsa Mosque on Tuesday morning. It exceeded the highest number that was recorded a few months ago and hit 900.
This increase resulted from the large-scale campaigns that have been recently launched by the Temple of Solomon Organizations calling for massive incursions into the Muslims’ holy shrine. The Israeli calls aimed at commemorating the anniversary of the so-called destruction of the alleged Temple of Solomon on August 09 according to the Jewish calendar.

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