MP Abu Halabi: Silence encourages the occupation to change the reality at Al Aqsa

  • News
  • July 18, 2017
MP Abu Halabi: Silence encourages the occupation to change the reality at Al Aqsa

   MP Dr Ahmed Abou Halabiya, president of Al-Aqsa committee in the Palestinian Legistrative Council said that “The official Arabic and Islamic silence towards the practices of the Israeli occupation authorities in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque encourages the occupation authorities to change the reality in them, and push them forward to implement what was feared in the past, and this was demonstrated recently by the occupation forces on Friday, which dared to prevent the Friday prayers at Al Aqsa Mosque and the removal of worshipers and guards after the detention and interrogation and detention of some of them, accompanied by searches and vandalism of all facilities, schools and centers in the Al-Aqsa Mosque.”
   Abu Halabi said that “the process of preventing prayers continued from Friday until Sunday, where the occupation authorities put large electronic inspection devices on the gates of Al-Aqsa Mosque to enter the worshipers through them only, and these are all new procedures that the occupation did not dare to do in advance without the silence and indifference of official Arab and Islamic international collusion. The occupation authorities took advantage of the martyrdom operation carried out last Friday by the three “Jabareen” as an excuse to carry out their Judaic plans in Al Aqsa Mosque.
   He called on the international community and its institutions to take a serious stance to condemn the violations against the Al-Aqsa Mosque and to uphold its just cause and to work diligently to stop the occupation authorities from practicing its aggressive policies in the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

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