Knesset approves first reading of bill to cancel prisoners’ allowances

  • News
  • June 12, 2017
Knesset approves first reading of bill to cancel prisoners’ allowances

The Knesset’s Ministerial Committee on Legislation approved on Sunday the first reading of a bill to deduct the Palestinian prisoners’ allowances from the tax revenues going to the Palestinian Authority, according to Hebrew media sources.
The Hebrew sources reported that the ratification came despite the objection of the government’s Attorney General, but a consensus was reached not to put the bill vote in the three readings because it will be merged later with a government bill related to the matter.
Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper said that the bill, initiated by MK Elazar Stern for Yesh Atid party, provides for deducting the prisoners’ salaries from the tax revenues transferred by Israel to the Palestinian Authority.
In conjunction with the vote on the law, 180 Israeli families, whose soldiers were killed in resistance operations, filed a petition to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanding him to work to pass the law.

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