Arab League: efforts to block the holding of "Israel" key positions in the United Nations

  • News
  • June 08, 2017
Arab League: efforts to block the holding of "Israel" key positions in the United Nations

   The Arab League affirmed its rejection of Israeli efforts to run for the main committees and positions within the United Nations.
   The League announced in a statement that it is carrying out intensive moves to activate the resolutions issued by the Arab League Council on continuing to monitor and obstruct these efforts while intensifying the joint Arab action to thwart the Israeli candidacy of the Security Council in the elections to be held in  the General Assembly of the United Nations next year.
   The Secretary-General of the League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, addressed the concerned departments of the Secretariat in this regard to mobilize and strengthen the Arab efforts in this direction, including activation of the procedures contained in the plan proposed by the Secretary-General to the Ministerial Meeting of the Council of the League, which was held in Cairo on 8 September 2016.
   The Secretariat had addressed the Permanent Delegations of the States members of the League to take note of developments related to the election of the Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations on 31 May 2017 as Vice-President of the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly, which will start its work in September, for the Western European and other States .

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