MP Abu Arar: There is no status quo in Al-Aqsa Mosque

  • News
  • June 02, 2017
MP Abu Arar: There is no status quo in Al-Aqsa Mosque

   The MP  Talab Abu Arar criticized the repeated attacks on the sanctity of the Holy Mosque by the extremist settlers supported by the government, and with the support of a policeman, and unusually in the month of Ramadan and in larger numbers than before, and more than in Ramadan, saying that “ There is no longer a situation in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, but a new situation, which was not in the past, does not take into account the sovereignty of religion on the site, and the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Jordan, and the ban on Muslims is still in place, as Muslim activists are barred from entering the mosque by order of the police or the Israeli courts.”
   Jews are entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the holy month of Ramadan with a high number, knowing that a number of years ago, Jews were prevented from entering, especially during the holy month of Ramadan, which Indicates that it is supported by the government, and from Israeli security bodies.
   “We see that the settlers are performing the prayers in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is a violation, as the police claim, but we have not heard about the deportation of such Jews,” Abu Arar said.
   He stressed that it would take international action from Islamic countries in general, from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and from the Palestinian Authority, to stop the flow of extremist settlers to Al-Aqsa Mosque.
   Abu Arar stressed the need to put points on the letters in respect of these violations, and that the move is quick, because Israel exploits the silence of the Islamic world, and the situation in the Middle East to undermine the Al-Aqsa Mosque and divide it a place and time,  and this is happening in reality in the absence of a practical and clear response to these violations of the Islamic world.

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