MP Abu Halabiya: The meeting of the occupation government in Al-Buraq Wall is a dangerous step to devote the Judaization of the Holy City

MP Abu Halabiya: The meeting of the occupation government in Al-Buraq Wall is a dangerous step to devote the Judaization of the Holy City

   The MP of the Change and Reform Bloc Dr. Ahmed Abu Halabiya that the meeting of the occupation government in Al-Buraq Wall at Al-Aqsa Mosque is a dangerous step to devote the Judaization in the holy city, explaining that Netanyahu is marketing that the occupation has the right to the city and this is a clear falsification of history.
   MP Abu Halabiya said in a statement to the bloc (5-29) that the danger of this meeting is its helding for the first time in the blessed Aqsa history, explaining that the occupation aims at these steps to consolidate the project of judaization of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque.
   He also pointed out the great danger of the Zionist projects that were adopted at the meeting, which aims to consolidate the Zionist Judaization and control of the Holy City.
   MP Abu Halabiya said that this step coincided with Trump’s visit to the wall of Al-Buraq and his performance of the Jewish rituals, explaining that Trump encouraged the enemy to implement his plans within the Holy City and support for Netanyahu’s actions in Judaizing Jerusalem.

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The European Parliament votes in favor of a resolution supporting the two-state solution

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