The hunger strike suspended following agreement with jailers

The hunger strike suspended following agreement with jailers

The hunger-striking prisoners in Israeli jails reportedly suspended their hunger strike at dawn Saturday after reaching an agreement with the Israeli prison service on their demands.
According to Issa Qaraqea, head of the Palestinian commission for detainees’ and ex-detainees’ affairs, the hunger strikers decided to temporarily halt their hunger strike following more than 20 hours of talks between their representatives and Israeli jailers in Ashkelon prison.
Qaraqea added that the two sides reached an agreement on the just demands of the hunger strikers, without providing further details.
More than 1,600 had participated in an open-ended hunger strike, which started 41 days ago, to demand basic rights.
Their primary demands include more frequent and lengthy family visits, better incarceration conditions such as improved medical care, access to telephones and an end to solitary confinement and administrative detention without charge or trial.

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