OIC to hold a meeting to discuss the issue of prisoners

OIC to hold a meeting to discuss the issue of prisoners

  The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Thursday held a meeting of the Committee of Permanent Delegates of the 57 member states to discuss the issue of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.
   The organization, which is based in Jeddah, said in a press statement that the meeting will discuss the issue of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, who continue their hunger strike since April 17, in protest against the Israeli occupation forces’ failure to respect international conventions in dealing with prisoners and detainees.
   “The organization will discuss during the meeting ways and mechanisms to support the prisoners in their aim to gain their rights and highlight their cause in the international community” the organization added.
Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli jails have been on hunger strike for 32 consecutive days demanding a number of basic demands.

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