The European Parliament votes in favor of a resolution supporting the two-state solution

The European Parliament votes in favor of a resolution supporting the two-state solution

   The European Parliament voted on Thursday in the French city of Strasbourg on a resolution supporting the two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.
   The decision came after parliamentary groups within the European Parliament agreed to vote for it.
   The Gue / ngl group, which includes the united European Left and the Northern Green Left, considered that this decision does not amount to the suffering of the Palestinian people, which equated the occupation and the occupied people despite some positive points such as demanding a halt to settlement and the two-state solution.
   It should be noted that Gue / ng submitted another draft resolution on 22 November 2016, but it was not successful.

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IOA approves 212 new settlement units in O.J

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