The PLO will go to the Israeli High Court on the prisoners

The PLO will go to the Israeli High Court on the prisoners

The head of the legal unit in the Palestine Liberation Organization, Attorney Naela Atia, announced that she will go to the so-called Israeli Supreme Court on Thursday on the 31-day continuous prisoner strike.
Atiya told ”Voice of Palestine” radio that a court decision would be required to oblige the Israeli Minister of Internal Security to respond to the just demands of prisoners who were on hunger strike.
Atiya said that the conditions of the captives in general and the passage of captive commander Marwan Barghouthi in his strike and other prisoners to refrain from taking water are “a very serious matter that can not wait and oblige us to go to court to issue this decision.”
Hundreds of prisoners have called for an end to the policy of administrative detention, solitary confinement, improved living conditions and an end to medical negligence.

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Amendment of the Knesset Constitution to prevent Arab MPs from traveling for activities supporting the boycott

Amendment of the Knesset Constitution to prevent Arab MPs from traveling for activities supporting the boycott

     The Hebrew newspaper “Yisrael Hume” wrote on Thursday, the Chairman of the Israeli Knesset Committee MP Yoav Kish (Likud) intends to put forward an amendment to the Knesset’s Constitution, provides non-approval of the Parliamentarian Ethics Committee on the travel of any Arab deputy abroad, if the inviter or the funder supports the boycott of Israel     The newspaper... Read more