Abu Arar: The law of nationalism is a racist extraction of the Israeli government

Abu Arar: The law of nationalism is a racist extraction of the Israeli government

    A member of the Israeli Knesset on the Islamic Movement, the United Arab List, MP Abu Arar asked on Monday that “the law of nationalism is a juice of hatred and racism of the Israeli government.”
   This came in a statement by MP Abu Arar following the adoption of the “nationalism” law in the Israeli Legislative Council.
   Abu Arar added that: “The law of nationalism is a source of hatred and racism of the Israeli fascist government, which is contrary to the democratic principles, as well as contrary to international laws. This law will have a negative impact on the peace process, but will be a major obstacle in any negotiations and will negatively affect relations between Arabs and Jews, it will be a paved road to adopt more racist and hatred laws against Arabs, and the government of hatred will bear the consequences of this disgraceful work.” As the law will be presented to the Knesset for a preliminary reading and will be referred again to the Ministerial Committee for a discussion of its articles in depth.
   He continued: I will put the matter to the Higher Follow-up Committee of the Arab masses to take appropriate steps against this fascist law

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