Despite all marginalizing attempts "the Palestinian issue at the heart of the Security Council’s discussions"

  • News
  • April 22, 2017
Despite all marginalizing attempts "the Palestinian issue at the heart of the Security Council’s discussions"

    The Security Council held its periodic open discussion on the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue, under the presidency of the United States for the month of April.
   In spite of all attempts to deviate the council’s compass on the Palestinian issue and asking all delegations to focus on other issues, all these attempts failed. Palestine remained the first issue and the point of the debate in which 53 countries participated, in addition to the members of the Security Council who confirmed clearly and unequivocally that the Palestinian cause remains the core of the conflict in the Middle East and that the continued Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territory is a threat to international peace and security.
   The permanent members of the Security Council (Britain, France, Russia and China) demanded that Israel cease all its illegal settlement activities and abide by the provisions of international law, including Security Council resolution 2334, which emphasizes the end of occupation and the achievement of a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders.
   The Arab Group, the Non-Aligned Movement and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation also made statements reaffirming their firm support for the rights of the Palestinian people and for the Palestinian cause as a central issue in the Middle East. The European Union has clearly and unequivocally affirmed that it will not recognize any change to the 1967 borders, including Jerusalem, unless agreed by the parties, and that the EU will differentiate in its relevant dealings between Israel and the territories occupied since 1967.
   The Permanent Representative of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, Ambassador Riyad Mansour, delivered the statement of the State of Palestine, in which he emphasized the centrality of the Palestinian cause in the Middle East. He said “The Security Council is meeting at a time of crisis and conflict, but the question of Palestine remains the crux of the issues in the Middle East. The Palestinian issue is a just cause, but it continues to exist without justice, which causes misery to millions in the region and threatens international peace and security in the world. There can be no discussion about combating extremist terrorism and achieving stability in the region without recognizing this fact and without addressing the root causes of this conflict “.
   Mansour explained that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict arose because of the deprivation of one of its inalienable rights and foreign military occupation of its land and resources, and that it was not a conflict arising from incitement or terrorism, as some claim. He said that “what will end this conflict is to end the Israeli occupation of our land and achieve the Palestinian national aspirations and respect for the rights of our Palestinian people”.
   In his statement, Ambassador Mansour stressed that the Security Council has a role and responsibility in promoting this just and peaceful solution, explaining that UN Security Council Resolution 2334 is the most recent legislation issued by the Security Council which reflects the unity of the historic international position on the Palestinian issue and provides the best way to maintain a peaceful two-state solution on the 1967 borders.
   Mansour condemned Israel’s failure to respect Security Council resolutions and its deliberate violation of the provisions of resolution 2334 by announcing the construction of at least 6,000 settlement units since the adoption of the resolution. And the establishment of a new settlement, which confirms that Israel’s systematic policy aims to colonize more territory in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and obstruct the two-state solution based on the 1967 borders and miss the chances of peace.

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