Independent personalities meet in the Jordanian parliament to support the end of the division

  • News
  • April 21, 2017
Independent personalities meet in the Jordanian parliament to support the end of the division

The independent Palestinian personalities in Palestine and the Diaspora gathered under the chairmanship of Dr. Yasser Al Wadia, a leader in the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the Jordanian capital Amman, with a member of the Jordanian House of Representatives, MP Yahya Al Saud, Chairman of the Palestine Committee in the Jordanian Parliament.
Mr. Issa Al-Omlah, member of the leadership of the Palestinian Independent Persons’ Gathering, stressed the importance of holding the meeting at the House of Representatives in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan where practical steps were discussed from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, represented by His Majesty King Abdullah bin Al Hussein and the Jordanian government and parliament to support the Palestinian cause. Under the auspices of Egypt.
He reviewed all the items and committees of Palestinian national reconciliation and practical mechanisms to start implementation and the role of the independent Palestinian personalities’ gathering in all the committees and tours of the national dialogue and that the needed is the implementation of the Palestinian National Reconciliation Agreement signed in Cairo 2011.
From his side, Dr. Mohammed Rashid, member of the leadership of the Palestinian Independent Persons’ Gathering, thanked Yahya Al Saud for his warm and continuous support to the Palestinian cause and the role of His Majesty King Abdullah Bin Al Hussein on his efforts in all international, regional and Arab forums to affirm the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.
For his part, MP Yahya al-Saud said that Jordanian king, government and people stand with the justice of the Palestinian cause and demand an end to the division between brothers in the Fatah and Hamas movements and uniting efforts for the benefit of the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people.

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