IOA approves 212 new settlement units in O.J

  • News
  • April 19, 2017
IOA approves 212 new settlement units in O.J

The Israeli Occupation Authorities (IOA) approved Wednesday the construction of 212 new settlement units in Pisgat Ze’ev and Ramat Shlomo settlements illegally built in occupied Jerusalem.
Israeli radio said that the approved housing units are a part of a large settlement plan to be implemented during the new US administration era.
Last month, the Israeli cabinet approved the establishment of a new West Bank settlement for settlers evicted from Amona, an outpost razed after the High Court of Justice ruled it had been built illegally on private Palestinian land.
On Dec. 23, 2016, the UN Security Council voted in favor of a resolution demanding the halt of settlement activity by Israel in occupied Palestinian territory with the United States notably abstaining.

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