MP Ashraf Jumaa calls on employees to take off and sit in public squares

  • News
  • April 08, 2017
MP Ashraf Jumaa calls on employees to take off and sit in public squares

    MP Ashraf Jumaa, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), called on the Palestinian Authority’s public to take to the streets and public squares and protest peacefully in response to the recent “salary massacre”.
    MP Juma said in a press statement that “what I heard from a sit-in in ”al-Jundi el-Majhoul” arena is not enough and I call on all employees who have been subjected to a terrible massacre in the lives of their children to get out peacefully in the street and sit in public squares to demand your stolen rights against this unfair policy against you.”
   “We continue to demand your rights by all means in my parliamentary capacity. There is no area for laziness or submission to this crime.

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