Baraka meets the Algerian MP Samira Dawaifiah in Beirut

  • News
  • April 06, 2017
Baraka meets the Algerian MP Samira Dawaifiah in Beirut

The Hamas representative in Lebanon, Ali Baraka, called on Tuesday for mobilizing the Arab nation’s potentials to support the Palestinian cause against the Israeli occupation.
During his meeting with Samira Dawaifiah, the member of the Algerian parliament, in the presence of Ziad Hasan, the Hamas political official in Lebanon, Baraka affirmed that the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon adhere to their right of return and reject all relocation and displacement projects.
Baraka touched on the situation of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and the repeated Israeli crimes committed against the Palestinian people since the Nakba in 1948. He also pointed to the Israeli schemes aimed at Judaizing Occupied Jerusalem and dividing al-Aqsa Mosque.
He called on Lebanon to recognize the civil and humanitarian rights of the Palestinian refugees who were displaced to Lebanon until their return to their homeland.
The Hamas representative praised the efforts exerted by MP Samira Dawaifiah and the other participants in Zaitouna boat in an attempt to break the Israeli siege on Gaza despite the difficult circumstances plaguing the Arab nation.
For her part, MP Dawaifiah confirmed the support of the Algerian government, parliament and people for the Palestinian cause, calling for expanding the humanitarian and international solidarity with the Palestinian people in the Palestinian territories and the diaspora.
Dawaifiah condemned the Israeli crimes and terrorism committed against the Palestinian people who fight for freedom and independence and vowed to convey the suffering she witnessed in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon at Arab and international forums.

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