MP Ghoul: The duration of the legislative mandate does not end until the election of a new Council

  • News
  • March 31, 2017
MP Ghoul: The duration of the legislative mandate does not end until the election of a new Council

     Hamas MP Faraj al-Ghoul responded to Ziad Abu Ziyad, who said: “The Legislative Council ended its mandate with illegal justifications.”
    “This call is a flagrant violation of the Palestinian Basic Law and the relevant laws that have confirmed that the term of the Legislative Council will not end until a new Legislative Council is elected and its members are sworn in,” Ghoul said.
    He added: “This is in accordance with the Palestinian Basic Law in Article (47 bis), also Article 36 of the Basic Law stipulates that the term of office of the National Authority is four years, and the presidency may not be more than two consecutive sessions,  the ignoring of the lawyer Ziad Abu Ziad of these materials is surprising and can not be justified.
    He explained: “We were waiting for the legal and national figures to demand the punishment of those who deliberately disrupt the Legislative Council, and obstructing its work, and even deliberately closed its doors to its President and members, and prevent them from entering to perform their role of oversight and legislative.”
    He concluded that the invitation of Abu Ziad has no legal basis for it being addressed to a person whose term of office expired since 9/1/2009 by virtue of the law based on the text of Article 36 of the Basic Law.

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