Parliamentary delegation from the Legislative Council meets the Turkish Ambassador in Ramallah

  • News
  • March 28, 2017
Parliamentary delegation from the Legislative Council meets the Turkish Ambassador in Ramallah

A delegation of the Change and Reform parliamentary bloc met on Monday with the Turkish ambassador in Palestine Gürcan Türkoğlu and his deputy in Ramallah.
The delegation members affirmed that such meetings point to the solid relations with Turkey that has a distinctive and effective role in the region in general and in the Palestinian cause in particular.
The Palestinian deputies talked about the Israeli violations in Occupied Jerusalem including the prevention of the Adhan (Call for prayer) and the annexation of settlement blocs to Jerusalem. They also shed light on some issues related to education such as closing schools and imposing the Israeli curricula.
They also mentioned the Israeli occupation authority’s house demolitions, land confiscations, property seizures, and the expulsion from Jerusalem. They further pointed to the attacks targeting the Islamic and Christian holy sites, especially al-Aqsa Mosque and the Israeli attempts to divide or destroy it by means of digging tunnels under it.
The Palestinian delegates touched on the Palestinian division and the need to achieve Palestinian unity, the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip and the issues related to electricity and health sectors, and the Palestinian MPs held in Israeli jails.
The Change and Reform deputies expressed their hope that Turkey will continue to support the Palestinian cause at all forums.
The Turkish ambassador and his deputy stressed the importance of maintaining such meetings and the need to achieve Palestinian reconciliation.
Türkoğlu confirmed the continuation of the Turkish role in alleviating the suffering of the Palestinian people as well as the Turkish government’s follow-up of the file of Jerusalem and its holy sites, which he considered important to achieve world peace.

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