MP Al Odeh calls for removal of Ze’evi and Ben Youssef’s names from the streets of the country

  • News
  • March 06, 2017
MP Al Odeh calls for removal of Ze’evi and Ben Youssef’s names from the streets of the country

    Chairman of the joint list in the Knesset deputy Ayman Odeh Sent an urgent message to the Israeli Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, asking him to cancel the names of Rehavam Ze’evi and Shlomo Ben-Yosef and other street names in the country.
   The MP Odeh confırmed in his letter to the minister Deri that Yasser Arafat’s name symbolizes the struggle, and that Arafat was the leader of the Palestinian national liberation movement, and he was who resisted occupation and oppression, so it is natural to call his name on the streets of the country, and that he has to retreat pursuing naming our streets with our national leaders’ names.
   Odeh said in his letter: But on this occasion, I ask you to work on writing off Rehavam Ze’evi name of the streets for leading transfer project and calling for war crimes. And I ask you to write off as well the name of Shlomo Ben-Yosef, who threw a grenade at a bus carrying Arab passengers .

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