Tehran Conference calls for comprehensive support for resistance

  • News
  • February 23, 2017
Tehran Conference calls for comprehensive support for resistance

    The Sixth Conference in Support of the Palestinian Intifada, which was held in Iran for two days, called in its concluding statement on Wednesday for preserving the Palestinian cause as the highest priority of the Muslim and Arab worlds and for supporting the Palestinian resistance.
    The statement called on the Palestinian factions to unite and adopt the resistance option as the only way to win the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, especially their right of return. It pointed to the liberation of south Lebanon and the Gaza Strip as a model for the success of resistance.
   The conference was held in Tehran on 23rd and 24th February 2017 under the slogan “Together to Support Palestine”, and aimed at giving priority to the Palestinian cause on the regional and international levels.
    The international community was asked to shoulder its responsibilities and pressure Israel to put an end to its inhumane practices including the unjust blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip.
   The conference condemned the Israeli Judaization measures in occupied Jerusalem aimed at obliterating its landmarks and identity, and voiced support to the UNESCO resolution denying any historical right for Jews in Jerusalem.
   The conference denounced the ethnic cleansing, assassinations, and field executions committed against the Palestinian people and demanded the prosecution of their perpetrators.
   The condemnations included the US administration’s support for the Israeli occupation and the recent statements by American officials about transferring the US Embassy to Jerusalem. In this context, the conference called on Arab and Muslim countries to close their embassies in Washington once the US Embassy is moved to the holy city.
   The conference welcomed the UN Security Council’s latest resolution which announced the Israeli settlements illegal, and praised the international efforts exerted to boycott the Israeli goods, especially those produced in settlements, and urged the world’s parliaments to enact laws that serve this goal.
   The General Secretariat of the conference was instructed to establish a mechanism to follow up the implementation of these decisions.

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