Indonesian FM Emphasizes the Role of Parliaments in Ending Genocide in Palestine

  • News
  • September 04, 2024
Indonesian FM Emphasizes the Role of Parliaments in Ending Genocide in Palestine

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi stressed the importance of parliaments in sharing experiences and best practices to develop policies aimed at addressing global issues, including the need to end the aggression and genocide in Palestine.

She noted that parliaments can leverage their networks to mobilize international public pressure to halt violence, provide humanitarian aid, and promote a two-state solution.

Marsudi made these comments during the Special Session of the Indonesia-Africa Parliamentary Forum (IAPF) in Nusa Dua, Bali, on Sunday.

She pointed out that the global community faces numerous challenges and economic uncertainties, exacerbated by increasing geopolitical tensions and the multifaceted impacts of climate change.

According to her, parliaments should not only serve as legislative bodies but also act as a link between the aspirations of the people and public policies.

In her remarks on enhancing regional collaboration, she highlighted the untapped potential for cooperation in sectors such as health, food security, trade, investment, energy, mining, and development.

"We need to turn these opportunities into concrete benefits for our citizens. Inter-parliamentary cooperation can foster partnerships in these areas. Indonesia is prepared to share best practices and provide capacity-building support," she stated.

Marsudi further emphasized that parliaments can promote global solidarity by advancing development agendas and policies that reflect the needs of developing countries, while also facilitating inclusive North-South collaborations.

"This embodies the spirit of Bandung. Distinguished guests, let us work together through strong parliamentary partnerships to achieve our shared goals of peace, security, and well-being for all," she concluded.

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