The Harsh Reality: Condemning Israel's Brutal Violence and the Complicit Silence of the International Community

The Harsh Reality: Condemning Israel's Brutal Violence and the Complicit Silence of the International Community

“We can no longer cure them. The patients' wounds began to fester."

The words of the director of the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza are stones thrown at the clenched teeth of Israel, Europe and the United States.

They are the finger pointed at the hypocritical consciences of all those who continue with "words, deeds and omissions" to support the massacre of civilians taking place in Gaza, to put it as they would say, who define themselves as Christians while spitting every day on the values ​​of peace and equality of the message of Jesus Christ.

Words of solidarity in the face of Israel's brutal violence, words that mask the horror.

Works, because the weapons that killed over 11,500 civilians and over 4,500 children, those fired on the Parliament in Gaza, those leveled inside the corridors of Al-Shifa, those used by ultra-Orthodox settlers in pogroms against Arab residents, are weapons supplied by Europeans and Americans.

Omissions, because a little courage would be enough to call things by their name: war crimes, ethnic cleansing, the massacre of innocents, occupation, apartheid, discrimination.

This is the darkest night of Western democracies, the denial of everything it has claimed to represent for decades since the Second World War, the tomb of Human Rights, the collapse of International Law.



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