MP Saud Propose a Draft Resolution to the Maldives Parliament to Condemn Israel's Deadly Attacks on Palestinians

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  • October 17, 2023
MP Saud Propose a Draft Resolution to the Maldives Parliament to Condemn Israel's Deadly Attacks on Palestinians

The Maldivian MP from the Vilingili Constituency, Saud Hussain, has proposed a draft resolution to his Parliament to take a strong stance against Israel's deadly attacks in the Palestinian territories, a draft resolution that calls for an immediate end to the atrocities committed against the Palestinian people and demands that Israel uphold human rights in Palestine and recognize the lands it has taken from the Palestinian people as the State of Palestine.

The draft resolution aims to condemn Israel's inhumane treatment of Palestinians and emphasize the importance of human rights in the occupied Palestine. Additionally, it calls for the release of lands seized by Israel and urges the international community to recognize the establishment of an independent State of Palestine.

Highlighting the historical context, the resolution acknowledges that more than 75 years have passed since Israel began evicting Palestinians from their homes and confiscating their land. It points out that this ongoing conflict has resulted in the continued killing of Palestinians, including the bombing of residential areas without warning. The draft resolution asserts that these actions are clear violations of international conventions and laws.

The draft resolution further recognizes that Israel's current attacks on Palestinians are seen as a grave crime against humanity, with an apparent attempt to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian Muslims while disregarding the lives of Palestinian children, the elderly, and the sick. It cites alarming statistics, stating that over 2,400 innocent people, including 750 children and 450 women, have been killed in Israel's bombardments. Additionally, more than 9,000 Palestinians have been reported injured, and countless homes and businesses have been destroyed beyond repair.

Notably, the resolution highlights concerns that Israel is reportedly using weapons banned by international treaties and laws in its ongoing attacks on the oppressed Palestinian people. This prompts the Maldives to raise its voice at relevant United Nations agencies, urging them to intervene and halt these dangerous acts of Israeli aggression.

The resolution also raises attention to the dire conditions imposed on Palestinians in Gaza, as Israel's offensive continues to restrict their access to water, electricity, sanitation, healthcare, and food. The denial of these basic services is condemned as a heinous crime against humanity, violating the fundamental human rights of Palestinian children, women, and the sick. The draft resolution calls on all United Nations member states to collaborate in ensuring the delivery of basic services to Palestinians and restoring the human rights that have been stripped away from them.

The draft resolution firmly asserts that an independent State of Palestine should be created within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. It condemns Israel's attempts to control Palestinian lands and its repeated atrocities against the Palestinian people, emphasizing that these actions violate human dignity, human rights, and international conventions and laws. The resolution calls for an immediate end to the conflict as a contribution to halting Israeli aggression.

Furthermore, the draft resolution urges the international community, particularly the members of the United Nations Security Council, to hold Israel accountable for its violation of Palestinian human rights. It highlights Israel's disregard for Security Council resolutions and its use of weapons prohibited by international treaties and laws.

The draft resolution reflects the solidarity of the Maldivian people with their Palestinian counterparts, demonstrating their unwavering support for the rights, freedom, and human dignity of the Palestinians. It sends a clear message to countries and organizations working towards justice for the Palestinians and against the occupation and annexation of Palestinian land.

The submission of this draft resolution adheres to Article 167 of the Parliament, which allows the Maldives Parliament to express its views to the international community. By condemning Israeli airstrikes, denouncing attempts to forcibly take control of Palestinian lands, and calling for an end to the atrocities committed against the Palestinian people, the Maldives Parliament aims to contribute to the ongoing efforts for justice and peace in the region.

Proposed by Member of Parliament Saud Hussain from the Vilingili Constituency, the draft resolution serves as a testament to the Maldives' dedication to upholding human rights and advocating for the rights of the Palestinians in this crucial time.

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