Malaysian Parliament Caucus for Palestine Calls for Immediate Action to Stop Occupation Crimes and Provide Urgent Support to Gaza

  • News
  • October 09, 2023
Malaysian Parliament Caucus for Palestine Calls for Immediate Action to Stop Occupation Crimes and Provide Urgent Support to Gaza

The Malaysian Parliament Caucus for Palestine has emphasized that the Palestinian explosion in the Gaza Strip is a natural reaction to the desecration of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation in Palestinian territories, which violate international laws and human rights.

In a statement, the committee called on the international community to take immediate steps to address this crisis and exert strong pressure on the occupation to halt all attacks and activities that violate international laws and human rights, and to respect the sovereignty of the Palestinian people on their land.

The statement further added, "Efforts must be made to avoid exploiting the current situation as an excuse to engage in treacherous acts that could stir unrest in Palestine and seek support from other countries through normalization."

The committee urged all parties, especially community groups and civil organizations in Malaysia, to immediately send humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. It called on local media not to be swayed by the biased narrative of Western and foreign media in covering the current crisis in Gaza.

Israeli occupation aircraft continued committing heinous massacres today, Monday, by targeting the homes of civilians in the Gaza Strip without prior warning, resulting in the martyrdom of dozens, most of whom were children and women.

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