
Australia announces the use of the term "Occupied Palestinian territories" in its official speech

  • News
  • August 10, 2023
Australia announces the use of the term

Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong announced on Tuesday that her government will begin using the term "Occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem" in all its literature, in addition to considering Israeli colonies illegal, according to international law. 
Addressing Parliament, Wong stressed that the status of the holy city should be decided through peace talks, not through unilateral decisions, adding, "We will not support an approach that undermines the two-state solution". 
Australia had earlier announced the cancellation of its recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, reversing the decision taken by the previous government led by Scott Morrison, which officially recognized West Jerusalem as the capital of occupation in 2018, in a departure from the Australian norms followed towards the Middle East for decades.

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