Portuguese Parliament votes in favor of a resolution recognizing the Palestinian Nakba

  • News
  • July 25, 2023
Portuguese Parliament votes in favor of a resolution recognizing the Palestinian Nakba

In a step advanced by a European country, the Portuguese Parliament voted by a majority, the decision to recognize the Nakba that struck the Palestinian people in 1948, and welcomes their struggle to obtain their right to self-determination. 
The resolution condemns the Israeli occupation policy of illegal expansion and annexation that violates international laws, and also calls on the Portuguese government to adopt a clear and frank position in defending the right of the Palestinian people, as guaranteed by international norms and laws. 
The parties that voted for the resolution are: the socialists (PS), the communists (PCP) and the Left Alliance (BE), while the parties that voted against are: the Social Democrats (PSD) and the far-right party "That's enough" CHEGA.

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