Al -Ahmar calls for a mechanism to coordinate the efforts of the Arab and Islamic parliamentary group related to Palestine

Al -Ahmar calls for a mechanism to coordinate the efforts of the Arab and Islamic parliamentary group related to Palestine

Hamid bin Abdullah Al-Ahmar, the President of the league of Parliamentarians for al-Quds, called for the establishment of an Arab parliamentary conference to investigate the reality of the Palestinian issue throughout the Arab world and to seek solutions.

During his speech at the Arab Parliamentary Union's 34th conference, titled "Arab support to enhance the stability of Iraq and its sovereignty," Al-Ahmar urged the formation of a parliamentary legal committee to pursue Zionist war criminals and bring them to international justice, as well as the establishment of a mechanism to coordinate the efforts of Arab and Islamic groups related to Palestine.

He emphasized the importance of forming permanent committees for Palestine in Arab parliaments rather than friendship committees, as well as working to freeze the Israeli Knesset's membership in the International Parliamentary Union, and praised African countries, particularly the Algerian Republic, for taking the honorable position of withdrawing the capacity of observer from the occupation state in the African Union.

According to Al-Ahmar, the league seeks to be a mechanism to coordinate Arab, Islamic, and international parliamentary efforts, as well as mobilize support for the Palestinian issue in collaboration with the National Council and Arab and Islamic parliaments, noting that the league is a key player in political and parliamentary circles, particularly in European and Latin American countries, and an important source of information about Palestine.

In addition to membership as an observer in the Union of Councils of Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (PUIC), the African Parliamentary Union (APU), the Global Organization for Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC), and the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA), the league is also an observer in the Arab Parliamentary Union.

A delegation from LP4Q arrived to the Republic of Iraq on Thursday to participate in the activities of the Arab Parliamentary Union's 34th session, titled "Arab support to promote Iraq's stability and sovereignty."

In addition to the League's President, Hamid al -Ahmar, the delegation comprises the league's general manager, Dr. Mohammad Makram Balawi, and the league's head of Public Relations, Eng. Abdullah Al -Beltaji.

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