Algerian MPs introduce a bill to criminalize normalization with occupation

Algerian MPs introduce a bill to criminalize normalization with occupation

A group of deputies from the Algerian National People's Assembly submitted to the parliament's presidency a bill criminalizing normalization with the Israeli occupation, including provisions prohibiting travel or any direct or indirect contact with Tel Aviv.


  In a press release, MP Youssef Ajesa said that he had submitted, on behalf of his party's group of MPs (65 out of 462), the bill to the parliament speaker to criminalize normalization, explaining that the proposal came on the occasion of the commemoration of the Palestinian Nakba.


  The bill consists of 7 articles, the first of which states that it "aims to criminalize normalization with the Zionist entity", while its second article states: "It is prohibited to contact or establish relations or open representative offices of any kind and at any level with the Zionist entity through direct or indirect channels".


  The document was submitted to the "Office of Parliamentary Initiatives of the National People's Assembly." The internal law of Parliament stipulates that the second step is to transfer it to the Presidency of Parliament (the office of the President and his deputies), before transferring it to the government for study and returning to Parliament for discussion and vote.

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