America Confirms its Opposition for Settlements

  • News
  • October 15, 2021
America Confirms its Opposition for Settlements

WASHINGTON - A senior Israeli official said that the United States had made clear during talks this week its opposition to Israel building settlements on occupied land needed by the Palestinians for their future state.

In response to a question about whether the United States side raised the issue during the visit of Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, who met with United States Secretary of State Anthony Plinkin and other senior officials in Washington, the “Israeli” official told journalists, "Yes."

President Joe Biden's administration stressed that it opposed further expansion of Jewish settlements. Most States consider those settlements illegal, while Israel argues.

A senior Biden administration official said this month that Israel was well aware of the Department's view of the need to cease actions that could be considered "provocative" and undermine efforts to achieve a two-State solution between Israel and the Palestinians.

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