Kuwait Calls for “Non-Aligned Conference” to pressure “Israel” to End its Occupation

  • News
  • October 12, 2021
Kuwait Calls for “Non-Aligned Conference” to pressure “Israel” to End its Occupation

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Kuwait, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Nasser, called on the Non-Aligned Conference to press Israel to end its occupation of the Palestinian territories, while stressing the centrality of the Palestinian issue to his country.

This was reflected in a statement by Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Ahmed Al-Nasser, Monday, on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Non-Aligned Movement, whose current session is chaired by Azerbaijan and hosted by the Serbian capital, Belgrade.

Al-Nasser said: "With regard to our first question on the Palestinian question, the grave security, economic, social and humanitarian situation experienced daily by the fraternal Palestinian people for more than 73 years is a result of Israel, the occupying Power, continuing to pursue its settlement and expansionist policies and desecrating the sanctity of the holy sites."

Those violations were being carried out "in flagrant violation of international law and all human norms and values before the eyes of the world and in total absence of the world conscience."

The Nasser renewed the call for concerted international efforts, including by the Member States of its antiquated movement, to pressure Israel to implement all United Nations resolutions and terms of reference with a view to ending the occupation, achieving a just and comprehensive solution and establishing an independent Palestinian State on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.


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