European MP calls for sanctions against Israel

  • News
  • August 31, 2020
European MP calls for sanctions against Israel

Mr Manu Pineda, Spanish representative and head of “Relations with Palestine Committee” in the European Parliament, on Monday called upon the international community to impose sanctions on Israel for its violations against the Palestinian people.
Pineda stressed during a televised interview that, “Israel is systematically violating the United Nations resolutions and treaties which it has signed, including the Oslo Agreement.” He called on the international community and the European Union to go beyond the issuing of statements and recognition of the State of Palestine, and to also impose sanctions on Israel, if it continues with its current breach of international law and treatises.
Pineda demanded the European Union should go beyond labeling of settlement products, and develop stricter measures which prohibit the importation of settlement products, as these comes from settlements which are on stolen Palestinian lands.

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