The East and South Africa Association in the League of "Parliamentarians for Al-Quds" holds its second meeting

  • News
  • June 10, 2020
The East and South Africa Association in the League of "Parliamentarians for Al-Quds" holds its second meeting

The League of “Parliamentarians for Al-Quds” (Association of East and Southern Africa) held its second meeting in the presence of the President of the League Sheikh Hamid bin Abdullah Al-Ahmar from Yemen, the President of the East and South African Association MP Abu Bakar Yunusa from Nigeria, the General Executive Manager of the League Dr. Makram Al-Balawi, the Palestinian Jerusalemite MP Ahmed Atoun And deputies from different countries of eastern and southern Africa, where they discussed the means of cooperation and activating the parliaments of their countries to serve the Palestinian issue in light of the Corona epidemic and its current conditions.
The meeting started with the speech of the President of the League, Sheikh Hamid bin Abdullah Al-Ahmar, who started his speech by welcoming the attendees, then he talked about the developments of the Palestinian issue and the suffering of the Palestinian people in light of the occupation, and stressed during his speech that the Israeli occupation is more dangerous than the Coronavirus and that the efforts of all countries of the world must be united to confront the occupation as they unify their efforts to confront the epidemic, and that the League has always sought to unify efforts to confront the Israeli occupation since its founding in 2015.
Then was the speech of the President of the East and South Africa Association, Nigerian MP Abubakar Yunusa, who stressed the necessity of cooperation and coordination between the parliaments of African countries to carry the concerns of the Palestinian cause and support the Palestinian right, and that serious work must be done during the coming period to present in the next meeting the work that has been realized.
Then the General Director of the League, Dr. Makram Al-Balawi, talked about the continuous Israeli violations against the Palestinian people and the absolute support of the occupation by the American government, then he stressed the need for African support for the Palestinian cause and activation of their parliament and the establishment of Palestinian friendship committees in African parliaments, as they suffered from the occupation And its consequences.
After that, Palestinian MP Ahmad Atoun started his speech by talking about what is going on in Jerusalem and the continuous and serious violations of the usurping Israeli occupation in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque in particular and Palestine in general, then he proposed some practical steps that must be taken to isolate and besiege the occupied entity and prevent it from implementing its plans.
Then was the speech of MP Ibrahim Gabriel from South Africa, who indicated that this is the ideal opportunity to shed light on the Palestinian issue, just as the issue of racism is shed in America after the killing of George Floyd, and he suggested that this be done through social networking sites of MPs and to talk about the suffering of the Palestinian people Also via local media in African countries.

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