Press Statement Issued by the Association of "Parliamentarians for al-Quds (Jerusalem)" on the 53rd Anniversary of the Israeli Illegal Occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank

  • News
  • June 07, 2020
Press Statement Issued by the Association of "Parliamentarians for al-Quds (Jerusalem)" on the 53rd Anniversary of the Israeli Illegal Occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank

These days mark the 53rd anniversary of the Israeli illegal occupation of East Jerusalem and the rest of Palestine. Since June 5, 1967 this occupation has been marked by brutality and defiance to international law and the international community. Yet, the last few months witnessed an escalation of its accelerated steps that violate the land, the people and the sanctity of holy places, and violate international law, the gravity of which exceeds all previous measures and has put an end to the remaining illusions of the long-awaited peace.
None of the above would have been possible without President Donald Trump’s administration support and encouragement.  Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the occupation state and relocated US embassy there, and provided unlimited support to the far-right government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu, through proposing an alleged peace plan known as the (Deal of the Century). The occupation government invested this support, by announcing additional racist steps aimed at Judaizing Jerusalem, legalizing settlements, abusing prisoners, and denying the Palestinian identity.
The frenzied attack reached its climax under recently formed Israeli ultra-right-wing and settlers’ government, which approved the annexation of the Jordan Valley, and most of Area (C) in the West Bank.
Unfortunately, the continuation of policies of forced displacement, house demolitions, and targeting of civilians, the latest of which was the killing of boy Iyad al-Hallaq with special needs, the 13-year siege of the Gaza Strip, despite the threat of the Convid-19 epidemic, and the arrest of Palestinian MPs, go unchecked.
We in the Association of “Parliamentarians for al Quds (Jerusalem)” call on the freedom-loving parliamentarians in the world, parliaments, and global parliamentary forums to put pressure on their governments and international bodies to prevent the occupation of this racist madness and nullify its abhorrent actions, and we also call for launching global parliamentary efforts, to support the legitimate Palestinian right to the establishment of a fully sovereign independent state.

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