70 Italian MPs ask their Government to condemn the annexation of the West Bank territories

70 Italian MPs ask their Government to condemn the annexation of the West Bank territories

70 Italian Deputies wrote to the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, asking the Italian Government to condemn the annexation of the West Bank territories and the projects of Israel.
The letter was signed by deputies from several parties of the ruling majority.
The parties are PD (Democratic Party), IV (Italia Viva), LeU (Equal and Free), M5S (Five Star Mouvement)

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'No humanity or respect': Israel detains Palestinian father of cancer-stricken child

Israeli forces arrested dozens of Palestinians in the occupied territories on Tuesday, including the father of a cancer-stricken child - who's image bidding farewell to his son went viral on social media. Hijazi al-Qawasmi, a father of four, was detained in Hebron after heavily armed Israeli police raided his home shortly before midday, his family told Middle East... Read more