BDS Malaysia Condemns Impending Annexation of the West Bank

BDS Malaysia Condemns Impending Annexation of the West Bank

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Malaysia (BDS Malaysia) condemns in the strongest possible terms plans by Israel to annex large parts of the West bank.
Such a move is a blatant violation of international law and several resolutions of the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly. Israel as usual is spitting at the face of the whole world.
The annexation will understandably be met with strong protests from Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). Israel, which has got away with a criminal policy of having sharpshooters murder innocent Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, will be unrestrained in suppressing protests and demonstrations. Much bloodshed will flow from the arrogant act by Israel to annex the West Bank.
We call on the UN, the EU, the Arab League, the OIC and the rest of the international community and civil societies the world over to take every legal action possible and to embark on campaigns to warn the Zionist apartheid state against stealing land in the OPT and respect the rights of all Palestinians.
The diplomatic cost of committing a violation of international magnitude should be made clear to the Israelis. The Zionist apartheid state should be boycotted and isolated by every country and every person who wants to see peace and justice in Palestine.

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