MP Attoun: Israel’s violations against prisoners escalated

  • News
  • April 21, 2020
MP Attoun: Israel’s violations against prisoners escalated

Palestinian lawmaker Ahmed Attoun, an exile from Occupied Jerusalem, has said that Israel’s aggressive practices and measures against the Palestinian prisoners in its jails have escalated unprecedentedly in recent times.
In press remarks, Attoun described the arbitrary laws and measures pursued against the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails as “blatant violations of international law and tantamount to war crimes.”
“The issue of the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails is not an issue of numbers. They are people with feelings and hearts and have families and loved ones, but their tragedy is ongoing,” the lawmaker underlined.
He warned against dealing with the issue of the prisoners according to their geographical areas or their political affiliations, calling for dealing with it as a unifying issue and providing the prisoners and their families with financial support.

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