Israeli authorities hold MP Abu Tir in administrative detention

  • News
  • April 21, 2020
Israeli authorities hold MP Abu Tir in administrative detention

Israeli occupation authorities on Monday decided to hold Palestinian MP Mohammed Abu Tir, 69, in administrative detention for four months one week after he was kidnapped from his home.
Abu Tir, a resident of Jerusalem who was expelled to Ramallah in 2010, was arrested on 13 April from his house in Um al-Sharayet neighborhood in Ramallah.
Abu Tir is a member of the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, who had served a total of 35 years in Israeli jails.
Four Palestinian MPs are detained in Israeli lockups in addition to Abu Tir: Ahmad Sa’adat, Mohammed al-Natsha, Hasan Yousef, Khaleda Jarrar and Marwan al-Barghouti.

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