African Union, Arab League vow to support Palestine

  • News
  • December 11, 2019
African Union, Arab League vow to support Palestine

The African Union (AU), non-aligned Movement, and the Arab League on Tuesday pledged to continue their support for the realization of Palestinian independence statehood.
This comes in a meeting of hundreds of diplomats, officials and friends of Palestine gathered in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa to mark the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people at an event organized by AU headquarters.
Addressing the gathering, AU representative Alex Ratabaye, said that the Pan-African body, which has been supporting Palestinian struggle for self-determination, will continue its support.
“We will continue to call upon the international community to compel Israel to end its unjust occupation of Palestine,” Ratabaye added. “We have always been the staunch supporter of Palestine.”
Representing Azerbaijan, which holds the current presidency of the non-aligned movement, the country’s envoy to Ethiopia Elman Abdullayev, said the non-aligned movement will give unwavering support for self-determination and independence of Palestine.
“The international community shall hold Israel responsible for all illegal settlements in all parts of occupied Palestinian territory,” he noted.
Salhe Sabun, who represent the Arab League in Ethiopia, said it was time to forge a united action front in support of the people of Palestine.
“Occupation must end, and we need to stand together and redouble our efforts than ever,” he added.
The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People has been observed since 1977.

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