Malaysia PM: Diplomacy is the best way to mobilise support for Palestine

  • News
  • November 14, 2019
Malaysia PM: Diplomacy is the best way to mobilise support for Palestine

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said Muslims should utilise diplomatic channel to show Israel as the “perpetrators of injustice” instead of launching attacks, local news agencies reported on Monday.
For 70 years the Palestinians have been fighting for their land, he said, but made no progress due to acts which triggered fear among the international community.
To change the current narrative in the West on Islamophobia, Mahathir said: “Using diplomacy is a good strategy to win over the support of many people.”
“It seems Israel can do anything it likes without being condemned by the world. The important thing is we must recognise the reason behind these acts [of terror]. The Muslims are acting not to regain their lands but to vent their anger,” he said at the International Colloquium Series on Islamic Understanding of Demystifying Islamophobia.
“It is not true that all Europeans and Americans are against Islam or the Muslims and the Palestinians.”
“We, however, do things that caused them to lose their sympathy for us.”
“We need to get sympathy and support of the world to stop the oppression against the Muslims by the Israelis,” he continued.
Source: Middle East Monitor

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