Eight Palestinian administrative detainees on hunger strike

  • News
  • August 30, 2019
Eight Palestinian administrative detainees on hunger strike

8 Palestinian detainees are currently on hunger strike in Israeli jails in protest at the Israel Prison Service’s arbitrary policies against them including administrative detention and solitary confinement.
Prisoner Huthaifa Halabiya, 28, has been on hunger strike for 58 days. Halabiya, who suffers from cancer, is detained by Israel administratively without charge or trial.
Ahmad Ghannam, 42, Sultan Khalouf, 38, and Ismail Ali, 30, started an open-ended hunger strike 45, 41, and 35 days ago, respectively, for the same reason.
The Islamic Jihad leader Tareq Qa’dan, 46, started his hunger strike 28 days ago after the Israel Prison Service decided to extend his detention without indictment.
Naser al-Jada’, Thaer Hamdan, and Fadi al-Hroub have recently joined the ongoing hunger strike protesting their administrative detention.

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