MP Zaidan: Israel’s settlement activity rose to unprecedented levels

  • News
  • June 23, 2019
MP Zaidan: Israel’s settlement activity rose to unprecedented levels

Palestinian lawmaker Abud-Rahman Zaidan has affirmed that Israel’s settlement activity has doubled over the past two decades and reached unprecedented levels in the presence of the current right-wing US administration.
“In light of international silence and complicity, the West Bank is seeing a wild campaign for the expansion of settlements and the establishment of new outposts,” Zaidan said in press remarks on Saturday.
He also said there was a marked increase in Jewish settlers’ attacks on Palestinian homes, agricultural lands and property in West Bank areas.
The Hamas official pointed to Israel’s escalation of its demolition of homes in the West Bank and Jerusalem, its Judaization activities against the Palestinian holy sites and its attempts to impose its control over the Aqsa Mosque.
He condemned the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank for being passive towards such Israeli violations and showing reluctance to prosecute Israel at the International Criminal Court.

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