Turkish MP, Hasan Turan, the head of parliament’s Turkey-Palestine parliamentary friendship group and a member of the executive committee of the league of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds (LP4Q) affirmed that what called “the deal of the century” is “the betrayal of the century and Turkey cannot allow its implementation and it has shown a clear position regarding it.

During a Webinar organized by LP4Q, under the title “Why won't Turkey abandon Palestine?” Turan explained that the efforts of some Arab countries to admire “the deal of the century does not give legitimacy to it”, stressing that the deal is a plan to steal what remains of the Palestinian lands, and the Turkish state on behalf of its President Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed that many times, and it has raised the slogan "Jerusalem and Palestine are our red lines."

He noted that the recent normalization agreements between the Arab countries and the occupation are rejected, contrary to logic, and it’s an insult to those countries, because they will not get any gains in return for normalization, and they will encourage the occupation to commit more atrocities against the Palestinian people.

He added that defending Palestine is a duty of Turkey, the Arabs and Islamic nations, he continued, "We support the establishment of the Palestinian state in the international and parliamentary forums, and we will not turn our backs to the Palestinian cause."

The Turkish MP stressed that giving up Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque is impossible. and it’s not included in the agenda of the Turkish republic, pointing out that the suffering of the Palestinian people should not be ignored, and it must the world should act to end it, saying that the Palestinian cause is a matter of humanitarian issue before it is a cause for Muslims.

Turan warned of the danger of the large Israeli Judaization schemes in occupied Jerusalem, which harms all aspects of life, calling on the Islamic world to unite the efforts to support the Palestinian cause and the Holy City.

Turan added that the international community does not implement its decisions against the Israeli occupation, which encourages it to continue its atrocities, calling on the United Nations and the international community to evaluate its conscience and carry out its tasks and duties towards the Palestinian issue and pressure Israel to implement international decisions.

He pointed out that Israel “is the spoiled son of the colonial powers”, and the city of Jerusalem had witnessed tragedies and suffering in front of the world and international organizations without doing anything, pointing out that Jerusalem was witnessing “religious freedom before the British colonialism and the Israeli occupation”.

He renewed the Turkish Republic's rejection of the brutal attacks and the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip, adding that "the defenseless Palestinian people are facing superior technology, lethal weapons and attacks in violation of international laws."

Turan affirmed that the United States' unlimited support for Israel will not deter Turkey from its support for the Palestinian cause, and the stability and security of Istanbul and Ankara is part of the stability of Jerusalem.

Turan explained that the Turkey-Palestine parliamentary friendship group is one of the most important committees in the Turkish parliament, saying: "Every day we have, is a day for Palestine in the Turkish parliament, and our relationship with Palestine is a friendly and lasting relationship, and we update the parliament permanently with Palestine’s news. and Jerusalem is a matter of principles for us."

Turan pointed out that there is a study in the Turkish Parliament to strengthen economic cooperation with the Palestinian people, indicating that the parliament has called upon the Turkish Ministry of Trade to increase Palestinian goods imports to Turkey.

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