Erekat: ‘Israel’s policies consolidate the apartheid regime’

Erekat: ‘Israel’s policies consolidate the apartheid regime’

Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) Executive Committee, Saeb Erekat, said on Tuesday that the Israeli authorities’ policies and practices, including aggression, arrests, assassinations, blockade, closures, and settlement activities, “will not lead to peace, security and stability, but are contrary to the requirements of peacemaking.”
During a meeting with an American delegation in Ramallah City, in the central occupied West Bank, Erekat said that achieving peace has one way; through ending the Israeli occupation, the embodiment of the independent state of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital living in peace and security alongside the state of Israel on the borders of June 4th 1967, and resolving all final status issues, first and foremost the refugees and prisoners issues, based on relevant resolutions of international legitimacy.
He stressed that “no one can change the foundations and pillars of international law and legitimacy and ratified international references for conflict resolution, pointing out that the policies of the US administration and Israeli government consolidate the occupation and apartheid regime.”
Regarding the internal Palestinian situation, Erekat affirmed that ending the internal division requires the implementation of the reconciliation agreement signed between the Fatah and Hamas movement on October 12th 2017, including enabling the people’s will through holding free and fair elections.

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