MOH: 270 killed, including 52 children, in 1st year of Gaza protests

  • News
  • April 03, 2019
MOH: 270 killed, including 52 children, in 1st year of Gaza protests

According to data collected by the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza, 270 Palestinians were killed by Israeli live fire, including 52 children, six women, and one elderly man, while 16,556 were injured, including 3,310 children, and 1,088 women, since the outbreak of “The Great March of Return” protests along the Gaza border on March 30th 2018 until the March 30th 2019, on Wednesday.
The data said that 551 of the injuries were considered critical, 7024 moderate, 8616 minor and 365 were unclassified.
Among the injuries, 6846 were from live bullets, 865 from rubber-coated steel bullets, 2426 suffocation from tear-gas, 6419 from shrapnel and other injuries.
The data confirmed 1567 were injuries in the head and neck, 761 in the chest and back, 654 in the abdomen and pelvis, 2322 in the upper limbs, 7941 in the lower limbs, 371 various parts, and 2922 others.
It also recorded 136 amputations, including 122 in the lower limbs and 14 upper limbs.
Divided by districts, the data showed that 3590 injuries were in northern Gaza, 5392 in Gaza City, 2558 in central Gaza, 3175 in Khan Younis and 1841 in Rafah, both in southern Gaza.
The ministry said that three of its medical crew were among those killed by Israeli forces, including 21-year-old health worker, Razan al-Najjar, and 115 ambulances were damaged.
The ministry added that two Palestinian journalists, Yasser Murtaja and Ahmad Abu Hussein, were also shot and killed by Israeli forces while covering the Gaza protests.
Source: Ma’an News Agency

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