Israeli municipality demolishes two houses in occupied East Jerusalem

  • News
  • February 21, 2019
Israeli municipality demolishes two houses in occupied East Jerusalem

The Israeli municipality of West Jerusalem demolished on Wednesday two houses in occupied East Jerusalem and distributed demolition orders to others on the pretext of building without permit.
WAFA correspondent said the two homes located in Beit Hanina neighborhood belonged to Taysir Muhtaseb and his son, Shadi, where 10 people, mainly children had lived.
The owners were able to evacuate their furniture before the demolition, said the correspondent.
Demolition orders were also distributed in other areas of East Jerusalem, all for construction without permit.
Palestinians say they are forced to build on their land without a permit due to the difficulty of obtaining a building permit from the all-Israeli municipality that has a policy to keep the number of Palestinians in the occupied section of the city to a minimum while multiplying the number of Jewish settlers in it by building thousands of housing units in Jewish settlements built illegally on confiscated Palestinian-owned land in order to tilt the demographic balance in its favor and create new facts on the ground to prevent an eventual withdrawal from the city.

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