Arab League slams Israel’s "preplanned murder" of Palestinian inmate

  • News
  • February 08, 2019
Arab League slams Israel’s "preplanned murder" of Palestinian inmate

The League of Arab States has condemned Israel’s preplanned medical neglect against Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.
Dr Saeed Abu Ali, Arab League Assistant Secretary General for Palestinian and Occupied Arab Territories Affairs, held the Israeli occupation accountable for the death of prisoner Faris Baroud, dubbing it a new crime against Palestinian detainees.
Abu Ali said such a crime makes part of a preplanned policy of “slow murder” pursued against Palestinian prisoners in Israeli dungeons. He urged the international human rights institutions to take all necessary measures to provide the detainees with their legal and physical protection and pressurize the Israeli occupation authorities to abide by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
51-year-old prisoner Faris Baroud was pronounced dead on Wednesday in the Israeli Ramon jail after his health condition had taken a turn for the worse.

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