Jordan warns of repeated Israeli attacks

  • News
  • February 06, 2019
Jordan warns of repeated Israeli attacks

Jordan’s minister of endowments and Islamic affairs on Tuesday warned that Islam’s third-holiest site is in real danger in light of the Israeli escalated violations.
Abdel Nasser Abu al-Basal’s statement came in response to recent and repeated incursions by Israeli right-wing extremists and attacks on members of the Palestinian Awqaf department.
The Jordanian minister also blasted the Israeli renovation works in the compound, considering them unprecedented provocative actions.
“The al-Aqsa mosque is facing repeated Israeli attacks in an attempt to change the status quo inside the mosque,” he said.
The minister also called on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Arab League, and the UNESCO to pressure Israeli authorities to stop the escalated attacks on al-Aqsa.
Source: The Palestinian Information Center

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