Spanish parliament calls on government to recognize Palestine

  • News
  • January 25, 2019
Spanish parliament calls on government to recognize Palestine

Spain’s Congress unanimously passed a nonbinding motion calling on the government to recognize Palestinian statehood, but added that it must be reached through negotiations with Israel.
The text passed Tuesday by the Congress of Deputies, Spain’s lower house, was the result of lengthy negotiations on the precise wording of the draft motion between the ruling Popular Party and the opposition Socialist Workers’ Party, which filed the motion last month.
The motion calls on the government to “recognize Palestine as a state” but also adds that such recognition “must be the result of a negotiation process between the parties that guarantees peace and security for both.”
“It is not binding, it does not set a timeline for the recognition, it gives the government the margin to proceed with the recognition when it feels it will be opportune,” Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo said in Brussels on Monday.
“If we want to be effective this recognition must be done in coordination with the European Union,” he added.
Britain’s House of Commons and Ireland’s upper house both approved nonbinding motions recognizing the state of Palestine without any reference to negotiations as a condition. Neither government has heeded that call.
French lawmakers are to vote on November 28 on a similar proposal by the ruling Socialist party urging the government to recognize Palestine as a state.
Sweden’s new left-leaning government went a step further and officially recognized a Palestinian state on October 30, prompting a strong protest from Israel, which swiftly withdrew its ambassador from Stockholm.

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